Hello! My name is Willow Sanders, and I have been a Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator for the last 21 years. I have had a passion for pregnancy and childbirth for as long as I can remember, and it was only intensified by giving birth to my own child in August of 2001. It was after his birth that I learned about Doulas, and knew that caring for laboring and birthing mothers and families, was a perfect fit for me. I went on to have three more children, and having a doula by my side was the BEST thing for my husband and I.
I see pregnancy and childbirth as an incredible, life-changing event that deserves to be treated with awesome respect and passion. I absolutely love being a Doula and feel that I have many qualities that would contribute positively to your birth. People say I am a nurturing and caring person, who stays calm in stressful and even intense situations. I am loving, and flexible, and want to help you have your BEST birth possible.
I am open and caring and will listen to your wants and desires for your birth. I will work with you and your husband/partner and whoever else you desire at your birth. I also work well with hospital staff, earn their respect, and respect them in return.I have expanded knowledge on breastfeeding; the possible problems and how to get through them. I do not let my personal agenda or feelings about, “How birth should be.” get in the way of your best possible birth experience.
I have four children and can truly understand what labor is like. I feel like I have been ‘through it all’ as far as birth experiences. My first was highly medicalized that ended in a C-section, my second, third and fourth were VBACs (Vaginal Birth After C-section). I’ve been attending births, and teaching about birth for over 21 years now, and know that all births are amazing, different, and the memory of it will last a lifetime.
I am currently a Childbirth Education and Perinatal Educator at Kaiser Hospital in Santa Rosa. I have experience at all three Santa Rosa Hospitals, as well as Homebirths. I am also familiar with many OB’s, CNM’s and midwives in the area. I have taken numerous classes and read many books in order to be a better mother myself. I also work with a team of some of the MOST experienced Doulas in Sonoma County through the Sonoma Marin Doula Group. We offer top of the line back up if needed, and FREE Childbirth Comfort Classes for clients. Visit www.SonomaMarinDoulas.com for more info.
My philosophy on birth is that when all is said in done, the most important thing is that you, the parents, remember the birth in a positive way. That you felt that the decisions were with all of the information available, and with your full participation. That is what I think is most important.
“Willow” from Middle English… The Willow is believed to have the power to grant mothers easy delivery!
Email me today, and I will be happy
to talk with you and set up an interview.



Micah Glenn
