I would be HONORED to be your Doula! I have been working in Sonoma County as a Doula for the last 21 years, and well…. I LOVE birth!
As your Doula….. I will:
- Come to your home for an initial (Free) interview to see if I am a good fit for you, or you and your partner in birth!
- Meet with you before, discuss your hopes and dreams for childbirth.
- Work on your birth plan/preference list with you or you and your partner
- Come to you when you need me in labor…
I provide:
Physical Support: That means Massage, Counter Pressure, Aromatherapy suggestions, (with DoTerra Essential oils), pressure points, suggesting position changes and movements to support labor and reduce discomfort. I can also help you to access any hospital based pain options if that is what you desire. I can get you light snacks to support your labor as long as medically allowed, I can get coffee and food for partner too if needed.
Emotional Support: That means talking, caring, listening, being PRESENT for you and your partner if needed. Encouraging you to let go, and allow your body to do what it’s meant to do.
Informational Support: That means talking through your options with you, reminding you of your birth preferences and why in the moments of birth. Being available to problem solve if those preferences need adjusting or changing. Helping you go over the benefits and risks of each intervention if offered or needed.
Also, FREE Childbirth Comfort Classes are available. Willow in part of the best Doula Collective in Sonoma County, “The Sonoma Marin Doula Group”. Visit www.SonomaMarinDoulas.com for more information on my back up team and other classes.

Doula – from the Ancient Greeks
“A woman experienced in childbirth who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after childbirth.”